
Nous serons plus patients – A rebellious health workers book from France

We translated the intro to a new book published by rebellious health workers in France

Read The Latest Issue

Report from the Vital Signs meeting, 30th of August 2024

A handful of us from Southmead hospital and the BRI met and primarily talked about the various cuts due to the ‘financial crisis’ of the trust

Current Struggles

Conversation with a junior doctor about the recent strikes

The recent junior doctor strike was significant, not just for doctors, but for all NHS workers

Worker and Patient

Account of a working class patient who had cancer surgery and treatment in Bristol

We need to foster new relationships of solidarity between health workers and patients that doesn’t reduce patients to objects or clients


Book review: Critical – Why the NHS is being betrayed and how we can fight for it

‘Critical’ provides us with good material for discussion, which we can use to engage in a series of interviews with doctors and other health workers

Current Struggles

On the current pay offer for NHS workers – The Labour government is a more skilled opponent

Starmer himself knows how to use state power in more subtle ways than a lofty money-bag like Sunak


CrowdStrike or Workers’ Strike? – Conversation with a NHS IT worker

The following conversation with a NHS IT worker took place before the CrowdStrike cock-up…


Nothing to lose in Toulouse – Reports from struggling health workers in France

We document two recent struggles of health workers in Toulouse, France


Speech by an apprentice health worker at the ‘Walk of Care’ in Berlin

We document a speech by an apprentice care worker held at a recent ‘Walk of Care’ in Berlin

Working Conditions

Calling (off) all agency and bank workers – What’s happening?

On the current cuts of bank and agency shifts in the NHS and the local hospitals in Bristol